Ideas and Care Tips For Closed Self-Sustaining Glass Terrariums

If you've seen one of those beautiful glass terrariums in a store and wished you could have one of your own, but don't know how to make or take care of one, then this is the blog post for you! I'm going to give you some ideas and care tips on how to build and keep your very own closed self-sustaining terrarium. 

Ready to get started? Let's go!

What is a closed self-sustaining glass terrarium and how does it work 

A closed self-sustaining glass terrarium is the perfect way to enjoy plants and create a natural atmosphere in your home or office. A closed terrarium is a self-sustaining environment that is closed off from the outside world. The word “terrarium” comes from the Latin word “terra,” meaning earth or land. Terrariums can be made from a variety of materials, but glass is the most popular choice because it allows for maximum light exposure and provides a clear view of the plants inside.

Closed terrariums are self-contained ecosystems in which all of the necessary elements for plant life are present. These include soil, water, air, and sunlight. Because closed terrariums are closed off from the outside world, they rely on the interaction of these elements to create a microclimate that is ideal for plant growth. Closed terrariums are low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for busy people or those with limited space. These terrariums work by trapping moisture in the air and creating a self-sustaining environment for the plants inside.

A self-sustaining terrarium is a mini-ecosystem that can exist without any input from the outside world. All the plants and animals within the terrarium rely on each other to create a balanced environment. 

One of the key features of a self-sustaining terrarium is that it is sealed from the outside world. This means that there is no need for direct sunlight or watering, as the plants within the terrarium produce their own moisture. The only time you need to open the terrarium is to add new plants or animals or to remove waste. 

Another important feature of a self-sustaining terrarium is that it contains both plant and animal life. The plants produce oxygen and the animals consume it, creating a closed system where nothing goes to waste. Some self-sustaining terrariums also contain fungi, which help to break down organic matter and release nutrients into the soil. 

A self-sustaining terrarium is a beautiful way to enjoy healthy plants without any of the hassle. Once you have set up your terrarium, you can sit back and relax knowing that your plants will take care of themselves!

History of Terrariums

The closed terrarium was invented in the Victorian era by Nathaniel Ward, an English doctor who wanted to grow ferns. He placed them in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and found that the ferns thrived. The word "terrarium" comes from the Latin word for earth, "terra."

closed terrarium

Terrariums became popular in Victorian England as a way to bring nature indoors. They were also seen as a way to create a miniature version of the natural world that could be controlled and observed.

While terrariums were originally created for plants, they can now be used to house all sorts of different things, from reptiles to fish to even small mammals.

Wardian case terrariums

If you've ever seen a plant growing in a glass container, you can thank Dr. Nathaniel Ward for that. Ward was a London doctor who, in the 1850s, noticed that ferns and other plants in his greenhouse were not doing well. He decided to put some of the plants in Wardian cases, which were glass containers used to transport plant specimens. The plants in the Wardian cases thrived, while the ones in the greenhouse continued to struggle.

Ward's discovery led to the development of terrariums, which are now used to grow a variety of plants. When choosing plants for a terrarium, it's important to select varieties that will do well in a small space with limited light and air circulation. Plants that require a lot of water or high humidity levels are also good choices for terrariums.

According to Ward, plant growth can be sustained in a terrarium. In choosing plants for a terrarium, one should look for "small-leaved specimens whose roots are not too rampant." The plant's container should be "as large as is convenient" and "should have an abundance of natural light." The terrarium should be kept away from drafts, and the plant's foliage should be spritzed with water every few days. In sum, by following these steps, one can create a thriving mini-ecosystem.

Glass dome terrariums

A glass terrarium is like a little self-sustaining ecosystem in a glass jar. It's usually moist inside, which is necessary for the plants, and the glass allows sunlight to enter. The moist environment and the sunlight create the perfect conditions for plants to grow. Glass terrariums can be used to grow all sorts of plants, from mosses and ferns. You can also grow unusual or rare plants in a glass terrarium that might not survive in the wild. And because they have their own water cycle, you don't have to worry about watering them very often. Just top off the water when it gets low.

Some benefits of growing plants in a glass dome terrarium include:

  • You don't have to water the plants very often – just top off the water when it gets low.
  • The moist environment and the sunlight create the perfect conditions for plants to grow.
  • Glass terrariums can be used to grow all sorts of plants, from mosses and ferns to unusual or rare plants that might not survive in the wild.
  • They're beautiful to look at and make great decorations for your home.
  • Terrariums can be made out of all sorts of different materials, but glass is by far the most popular choice. That's because it allows you to see the plants inside and it doesn't block out any sunlight. Plus, it's easy to find recycled glass jars or bottles to use as terrariums. If you're feeling creative, you can even make your own glass terrarium from scratch!

Bottle terrariums

A bottle terrarium is a type of terrarium that is made from a glass bottle. Bottle terrariums are easy to make and are a great way to grow plants in a small space. Plus, they look really cool!

The first step in making a bottle terrarium is to choose the right type of glass bottle. You'll want to use a clear glass bottle so that you can see the plants inside. A wide-mouth bottle works best because it's easier to get plants in and out of it. Once you've chosen your glass bottle, you'll need to clean it out and remove any labels.

Next, you'll need to add some drainage material to the bottom of the bottle. This could be gravel, rocks, or even recycled glass beads. The drainage material will help to keep the plants from sitting in water and getting root rot.

After you've added the drainage material, you'll need to add some soil. You can use any type of potting mix or gardening soil. Just make sure that it's light and airy so that it drains well. Once you've added the soil, you can start adding plants! Choose plants that are small and slow-growing so that they don't outgrow their space.

To water your bottle terrarium, simply remove the lid and spritz the plants with a spray bottle. Be careful not to overwater them, as too much water can cause the plants to rot.

Once you've added all of your plants, you can put the lid back on and enjoy your new terrarium!

Apothecary Jar terrariums

An apothecary jar terrarium is a type of terrarium that is made from a glass jar. Apothecary jars are usually clear, which makes them perfect for terrariums because you can see the plants inside.

Apothecary jar terrariums are easy to make and are a great way to grow plants in a small space. Plus, they look really cool!

The first step in making an apothecary jar terrarium is to choose the right type of glass jar. You'll want to use a clear glass jar so that you can see the plants inside. A wide-mouth jar works best because it's easier to get plants in and out of it. Once you've chosen your glass jar, you'll need to clean it out and remove any labels.

Next, you'll need to add some drainage material to the bottom of the jar. This could be gravel, rocks, or even recycled glass beads. The drainage material will help to keep the plants from sitting in water and getting root rot.

After you've added the drainage material, you'll need to add some soil. You can use any type of potting mix or gardening soil. Just make sure that it's light and airy so that it drains well. Once you've added the soil, you can start adding plants! Choose plants that are small and slow-growing so that they don't outgrow their space.

To water your apothecary jar terrarium, simply remove the lid and spritz the plants with a spray bottle. Be careful not to overwater them, as too much water can cause the plants to rot.

Once you've added all of your plants, you can put the lid back on and enjoy your new terrarium!

Tealight Candle Holder terrariums

A tealight candle holder terrarium is a type of terrarium that is made from a glass tealight holder. Tealight candle holders are usually clear, which makes them perfect for terrariums because you can see the plants inside.

Tealight candle holder terrariums are easy to make and are a great way to grow plants in a small space. Plus, they look really cool!

The first step in making a tealight candle holder terrarium is to choose the right type of glass tealight holder. You'll want to use a clear glass tealight holder so that you can see the plants inside. Once you've chosen your glass tealight holder, you'll need to clean it out and remove any labels.

Next, you'll need to add some drainage material to the bottom of the holder. This could be gravel, rocks, or even recycled glass beads. The drainage material will help to keep the plants from sitting in water and getting root rot.

After you've added the drainage material, you'll need to add some soil. You can use any type of potting mix or gardening soil. Just make sure that it's light and airy so that it drains well. Once you've added the soil, you can start adding plants! Choose plants that are small and slow-growing so that they don't outgrow their space.

To water your tealight candle holder terrarium, simply remove the glass dome and spritz the plants with a spray bottle. Be careful not to overwater them, as too much water can cause the plants to rot.

Benefits of Growing Self-sustaining Terrariums

There are many benefits to growing self-sustaining terrariums. For one, they are a great way to garden in a small space. You can fit a lot of plants in a terrarium, and the plants will only grow to the size of the jar. Plus, terrariums are easy to take care of; you only need to spritz the plants with a spray bottle once or twice a week.

Self-sustaining terrariums are also great for people who don't have a lot of time to garden. The plants in a terrarium don't need to be transplanted, and they don't need a lot of sunlight or water. This makes them the perfect choice for people who are busy or who live in an apartment with limited gardening space.

Terrariums also make beautiful additions to any room in your home. They add color and life to a space, and they can be customized to fit any décor. They provide hope for you and your family as you watch the plants grow.

Self-sustaining terrariums are like little mini rainforests in a jar. If you're looking for a low-maintenance way to grow plants, self-sustaining terrariums are a great option.

List of the Best Self-Sustaining Terrarium Plant

There are many different types of plants that can be used in self-sustaining terrariums. Here is a list of some of the best plants for terrariums:

Mosses: Mosses are a great option for terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water. Plus, they add a beautiful, natural element to the terrarium.

Ferns: Ferns are another great plant for terrariums. They thrive in humid environments, so they will do well in a closed terrarium.

Ivy: Ivy is a trailing plant that looks beautiful in terrariums. It's easy to care for and doesn't need much sunlight or water.

Miniature Orchids: Orchids are beautiful plants that come in a variety of colors. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Fittonias: Fittonias are unique-looking plants that have interesting leaves. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Peperomias: Peperomias are small, low-growing plants that come in a variety of colors and textures. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Selaginellas: Selaginellas are small, low-growing plants that look similar to moss. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Pileas: Pileas are small, low-growing plants that come in a variety of colors. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Miniature Violets: Violets are small, low-growing plants that come in a variety of colors. They do well in terrariums because they don't need much sunlight or water.

Creeping Fig: Creeping fig is a trailing plant that looks beautiful in terrariums. It's easy to care for and doesn't need much sunlight or water.

Caring for Self Sustaining Terrarium Plant

When it comes to caring for your self-sustaining terrarium plants, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to choose the right plants. Make sure you choose plants that don't need a lot of sunlight or water. Second, you need to make sure the terrarium is sealed tight. This will create a humid environment that the plants will thrive in. Finally, you need to spritz the plants with a spray bottle once or twice a week to keep them hydrated.

Self-sustaining terrariums are a great way to grow plants in a small space. They are easy to care for and don't require a lot of sunlight or water. Plus, they make beautiful additions to any room in your home. If you're looking for a low-maintenance way to grow plants, self-sustaining terrariums are a great option.

7 easy steps to build your closed terrarium

Building a self-sustaining terrarium is a fun and easy project that anyone can do. All you need is a clear glass container, some plants, and some potting soil. Follow these seven easy steps to build your own self-sustaining terrarium:

  1. Choose a clear glass container that is big enough for the plants you want to use. Make sure the container has a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Add 1-2 inches of gravel to the bottom of the container for drainage.
  3. Add 1-2 inches of potting soil on top of the gravel.
  4. Plant your chosen plants in the soil. Make sure to leave enough space between each plant so they have room to grow.
  5. Add a layer of moss on top of the soil. This will help to hold moisture in the terrarium.
  6. Spray the plants with water until the soil is moist but not soggy.
  7. Place the lid on the container and seal it tight. Place the terrarium in a bright, indirect light source.

That's it! You've now built your own self-sustaining terrarium. Just make sure to check on it every few weeks to make sure the plants are healthy and the soil is moist.

Troubleshooting tips for common issues with closed self-sustaining glass terrariums

If your self-sustaining terrarium isn't working the way it should, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix the problem.

Issue: The plants in my terrarium are dying.

Solution: Make sure you're using plants that don't need a lot of sunlight or water. Also, check to see if the soil is too dry or if the terrarium is getting too much direct sunlight.

Issue: The plants in my terrarium are growing too slowly.

Solution: Make sure the terrarium is in a bright, indirect light source. If the light is too low, the plants will not grow as quickly. Also, check to see if the soil is too dry and water the plants accordingly.

Issue: The plants in my terrarium are getting too much sun.

Solution: Move the terrarium to a location that gets less direct sunlight. If the light is too strong, it will scorch the plants.

Issue: There is mold growing in my terrarium.

Solution: Mold can be caused by too much moisture in the terrarium. Remove the lid and let the terrarium dry out for a few days. If the problem persists, add Springtails to keep mold in check. Springtails are tiny creatures that eat mold spores.

With these tips, you should be able to fix any common issues you're having with your self-sustaining terrarium. Just remember to check on the terrarium every few weeks and make sure the plants are healthy and the soil is moist.

Final Thoughts:

If you're like me, and you love plants but have a lot of time to care for them, then self-sustaining terrariums are the perfect solution for you. With just a little bit of up-front work, you can create a beautiful and healthy terrarium that will thrive for years with minimal care. I hope this article has given you some inspiration to get started on your own self-supporting terrarium journey. If not, no worries! I'm here to help. Contact me today to schedule a consultation or class and I'll show you how easy it is to make your own stunning terrarium. Thanks for reading!


Bonus questions I often get asked about terrariums.

How long do Closed terrariums last?

Ideally, a closed terrarium will last indefinitely if left undisturbed. However, in reality, most people eventually get curious and open their terrariums to take a peek or add more plants. Once opened, the terrarium will begin to lose moisture and will no longer be self-sustaining. To keep your terrarium going strong for as long as possible, try to resist the urge to open it up!

How often do I need to water my closed terrarium?

You shouldn't need to water your closed terrarium very often—maybe once every few months or so. When you do water, only add enough to moisten the soil. Be careful not to overwater as this can lead to mold growth.

Do closed terrariums need air?

No, closed terrariums do not need air. In fact, they work best when sealed tight to prevent moisture loss.

Can I put a plant in my terrarium that needs full sun?

No, you should only use plants that don't need a lot of sunlight in your terrarium. If you put a plant that needs full sun in your terrarium, it will eventually die.

My Terrarium is foggy, is this normal?

Yes, it's normal for your terrarium to get a little bit foggy from time to time. This just means the terrarium is working properly and the plants are healthy. If the fog starts to build up too much, you can remove the lid for a few hours to let it clear out.

What decorations can you put in a small closed terrarium?

Some common decorations people put in their terrariums are rocks, shells, and moss. You can really use anything that you think looks nice and is small enough to fit inside your terrarium. Just make sure the decorations are clean before adding them to the terrarium.

Is an open or closed terrarium better?

It really depends on your personal preferences. Each type of terrarium has its own benefits and drawbacks. Closed terrariums are better at retaining moisture, which is good for plants that need high humidity levels. However, closed terrariums can be more difficult to care for because they can get very hot and humid inside, which can lead to mold growth. Open terrariums are easier to care for because they don't build up heat and humidity like closed terrariums. However, open terrariums will need to be watered more often because they lose moisture faster. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which type of terrarium is best for you and your plants.

Does a terrarium have to be enclosed?

No, a terrarium does not have to be enclosed. Open terrariums are just as easy to make and care for as closed terrariums. The only difference is that open terrariums will need to be watered more often because they lose moisture faster.